1. Why is the Web API important? Web API is generally considered as a service that basically provides us information or data from the server. It is very important because of the following reasons: It is used to provide an interface for websites and client applications to have access to data. It can also be
Table of Contents No. Questions 1 What is VueJS 2 What are the major features of VueJS 3 What are the lifecycle methods of VueJS 4 What are the conditional directives 5 What is the difference between v-show and v-if directives 6 What is the purpose of v-for directive? 7 What is vue instance? 8
Table of Contents No. Questions 1 What are the possible ways to create objects in JavaScript 2 What is prototype chain 3 What is the difference between Call, Apply and Bind 4 What is JSON and its common operations 5 What is the purpose of the array slice method 6 What is the purpose of
Table of Contents No. Questions Core React 1 What is React? 2 What are the major features of React? 3 What is JSX? 4 What is the difference between Element and Component? 5 How to create components in React? 6 When to use a Class Component over a Function Component? 7 What are Pure Components?