Finding Distance Between two Locations
The below code will calculate the distance (Displacement) between two locations based on longitude and latitude.
-- ============================================= -- Author: V.U.M.Sastry Sagi -- Create date: 11/30/2010 -- Description: Gets the distance between two locations -- ============================================= CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[getDistanceBetweenLatLon] ( @lat1 DECIMAL(5, 2), @long1 DECIMAL(5, 2), @lat2 DECIMAL(5, 2), @long2 DECIMAL(5, 2) ) RETURNS NUMERIC(10, 5) AS BEGIN DECLARE @x DECIMAL(20, 10) DECLARE @pi DECIMAL(21, 20) DECLARE @distance FLOAT SET @pi = 3.14159265358979323846 SET @x = SIN(@lat1 * @pi / 180) * SIN(@lat2 * @pi / 180) + COS(@lat1 * @pi / 180) * COS(@lat2 * @pi / 180) * COS(ABS(( @long2 * @pi / 180 ) - ( @long1 * @pi / 180 ))) SET @x = ATAN(( SQRT(1 - POWER(@x, 2)) ) / @x) SET @distance = ABS(( 1.852 * 60.0 * ( ( @x / @pi ) * 180 ) ) / 1.609344) RETURN @distance END