I saw many of the applications with out basic level of security with respect to data transfer etc. Few people uses Base64 Encoding while sending data through URL which is a common practice. But a simple Javascript code can reverse engineer your Base64 encoded string. If you wanna try to reverse engineer your Base64 encoded
Basically many of the projects require Base64 Encoding and Decoding for their projects for basic URL Encoding and Decoding. Sometimes the data need to store in the Base64 format in the DB and while fetching need to decode from the Base64 format. The below SQL Server Functions will deserve the basic encoding and decoding features
Session management for Web applications is an application layer responsibility. Session security is critical to the overall security of the application. Top session management threats include: ● Session hijacking ● Session replay ● Man in the middle Session Hijacking A session hijacking attack occurs when an attacker uses network monitoring software to capture the authentication
When you are using ASP.Net Sessions and try to utilize HTTPHandler you will face Issues with Session State. some time you will get page break issues as well. To avoid the issues with HTTPHandlers you need to understand the SessionState Marker Interface. The System.Web.SessionState namespace supplies classes and interfaces that enable storage of data specific
1. What are the performance measurements for the Schedule Control process? A. SV (EV – PV) and SPI (EV ÷ PV) B. SV (PV – EV) and SPI (PV ÷ EV) C. SV (EV – BAC) and SPI (EV ÷ BAC) D. SV (EV – AC) and SPI (EV ÷ AC) Answer: A Explanation: Schedule