The SQL Server product group has made significant modifications to the existing SQL Engine to improve scalability and Performance associated with the SQL Server Database Engine. Some of the main enhancements that allow organizations to improve their SQL Server workloads include the following: Columnstore Indexes More and more organizations have a requirement to deliver Breakthrough
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a framework for building service-oriented applications. Using WCF, you can send data as asynchronous messages from one service endpoint to another. A service endpoint can be part of a continuously available service hosted by IIS, or it can be a service hosted in an application. An endpoint can be a
Introduction Web.config files typically include settings that have to be different depending on which environment the application is running in. For example, you might have to change a database connection string or disable debugging when you deploy a Web.config file. For Web application projects, ASP.NET provides tools that automate the process of changing (transforming) Web.config
QR Code A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) first designed for the automotive industry. More recently, the system has become popular outside of the industry due to its fast readability and comparatively large storage capacity. The code consists of black modules arranged in a
If we now the parameter name and want to know the Objects using that parameter then in that case we can use the below stored procedure to retrive the Object Names /*********************************************************************** * Author : V.U.M.Sastry Sagi * Date : 11/16/2011 * Purpose: Returns all Objects including SPs and Functions based on given parameter