Author: Uma Mahesh

Introduction to RabbitMQ & AMQP

In the most recent projects I’ve worked on, the teams I’ve been a part of have decided on the direction of a microservice architecture pattern. The main motivation for this has been to overcome the challenges typically faced in monolith architectures. However, when dealing with microservices, you’re likely to face the issue of communication between the different services that

Best Practices for Microservices

Designing Microservice Architecture the right way is quite challenging and difficult. On contrary to Monolith Architecture which gives one solution for all, Microservice Architecture gives a different solution for different problems. If the wrong solution is chosen, then the Microservice Architecture is just a ticking time bomb that is destined to explode. A badly designed

Design Patterns for Microservice Architecture – Consumer Driven Contract

In Microservice Architecture, there are many Microservices often developed by separate teams. These microservices work together to fulfill a business requirement (e.g., customer request) and communicate with each other Synchronously or Asynchronously. Integration testing of a Consumer Microservice is challenging. Usually, TestDouble is used in such scenarios for a faster and cheaper test run. But TestDouble often does not represent the

Design Patterns for Microservice Architecture – Externalized Configuration

Every business Application has many configuration parameters for various Infrastructure (e.g., Database, Network, connected Service addresses, credentials, certificate path). Also, in an enterprise environment, the application is usually deployed in various runtimes (Local, Dev, Prod). One way to achieve this is via the Internal Configuration, which is a fatal bad practice. It can lead to severe